Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas 2011

Twas a merry Christmas in the Hon home. I love to watch the kids open their gifts, it instantly releases the stress of feeling like we spent too much or not enough money. It's my favorite part. We went to church and chilled most the day, then went to grandmas house and hung out all night.

My dad got us a polar express train set to circle the was the perfect finishing touch!

Brody and Grady were all about Ninjago Lego's and Beyblades this year. In fact, they played Beyblades ALL day long with dad. They had the most fun yelling on the top of their lungs. 3..2..1..LET IT RIP!!

Saylee was more involved in her love of wrapping paper than anything else this year. We buy her gifts hoping that she will eventually show interest in them within 365 days!

I always like to document the war zone.

The Beyblade is defined as "a glorified spinning top" that fights other beyblades in an arena till the death. We used a salad bowl. However, Dus was so into it that the day after Christmas he picked up an actual Beyblade arena and his own beyblade. Kid at heart.

Saylee got her own set of lady legos...I built her a house and she liked it for a few minutes.

Emry opening a gift with Aunt Krystal

Seriously, can't get enough of this one.

Uncle Corndog (Devin) got the kids these really ugly eye balls that splat when you throw them. Brody was NOT interested he thought they were quote "disgusting" but Say and Grades were into them.

and of coarse the night ended with Beyblades. Merry Christmas indeed.


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الصفوة جروب said...

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