I'm gay...
My blog has become my forgotten child. Poor little guy hasn't been updated and hasn't had any other blog friends look at him and laugh...poor ol' bloggie!
I have set a goal to blog more often, at least as much as I used to. This does create a problem however seeing as how my camera has been POSSESED by the devil! Mr. Camera doesn't feel like making memories anymore. Let's say my littlest nugget falls asleep in the big boy chair and I want to capture that moment, this is what I get...
Isn't that clarity uncanny??? I pretty much stopped taking pictures for this reason, it's no fun anymore!! I can however take pictures from REALLY far away but what fun is that? If I try to zoom in on my camera, it turns it self off...it's a stubborn little bugga... Anywho, here is some evidence that my family and myself are alive and kickin...literally.
On Memorial day we went swimming with Dustin's family. Saylee and pool water do not get along (baby pools...forget it!), let's just say last summer memories are a bit painful for us. Not only does she not enjoy swimming, she has a bit of a panic attack whenever she's around the pool. Safe to say, we don't swim much at all and I was not excited to attempt again this summer...but that little girl still suprises me!!
you can come swim with us anytime!
hot blog hot blog hot blogittie blog(sung to the tune of mickey mouse,hot dog) good to have you back,keep them comin
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