Monday, July 19, 2010

Down in the dumps

So I have this backyard...

Nope, that's not it... It's more like this

and this...

and this

We downsized so much from the rental to here that the backyard looks more like a junkyard! I wanted it cleaned before the monsoon season hit so I got a sitter and decided that Dus and I would knock it out in one day.
But when it comes to my life, NOTHING goes according to plan

After loading up our trailer, donned in my sweaty pj's, we we're off to the dump. My first time, I wasn't even scared! While on the freeway, our plan went KA-BLOOEY...literally!

This is, I mean WAS one of our trailer tires
demolished much?

This shredded mama took our wheel well for a roll. Again, literally!

This is after I had messed with it a little

Because the wheel well was all curled up, we couldn't get the tire off. (Not that we had a spare or anything!) In order to get to the tire, we had to pull it off. So, I grabbed a metal rod from the trailer and went to work! Nothing like taking out a little fat agression!

I told Dustin to take a picture, which he did followed by taking a little video. For some reason I can't get it to load but here's a link...PLEASE WATCH IT!

Of coarse Dustin was the one to actually pull it off but I totally loosened it for him!

Hey wheel well...

My little act of insanity must of got somebody's attention because this guy showed up!

After hitting up a few different tire shops, we got what we were looking for. We ate at Ned's and had an unexpacted day date! Bonus....we smelt unbearable!! We finally replaced the tire and headed off to the dump.

So here we are literally in the middle of the dump. As you can imagine, it smelt like Christmas morning! We unloaded as fast as we could, I sustained a slight injury because APPARENTLY, it's not smart to wear flip flops to the dump!

I don't know why but I was fascinated with this place. Decades of garbage compacted. Right before we we're finished this guy started spraying us with us with water...what's that about? Now we're working in mud!

So our little project for the day turned into an unexpected adventure, another one for the books!

And I haven't touched my backyard since!


Jay, Sarah, Noah, & Nate said...

The pictures are the icing on the cake!!

ConnieB said...

hahaha! You crack me up & that tire looks insane. Love this.

Kristy Treible said...

Funniest post evvveeerrr!!! YOu seriously crack me up! XO

Kissefur said...

Oh dear... Looks like a HON day at work bahahahaha Love it thanks for sharing