Thursday, September 4, 2008

the infamous memory tag!!!

Hey der...I was tagged by an old school buddy of mine so have fun!!!

Memories...I hope you will play along.Here are the directions:
1. Add a comment on my blog and leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot just do anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.

If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments!


Great Scott's! said...

Hello there "kristen koelle" really that's how I remember you :) Now let's see, oh yes lunch-lady-land was a great time but nothing to your amazing randition of "Dorothy and the Red Doc's" oh yes you stole the show, I'm surprised how we both didn't end up on broadway! Also one more, I remember in Mrs. Nowak's class that you sat right in front of me and always wrote such good and funny papers. wow the good ole days,eh? Well still can't believe you have 3 kids and they're so stinkin adorable!! Thanks for playing along- voted funniest girl in both jr. high and high school, now that's funny!!(ps does that sound sarcastic? It's not sarcastic, and I was referring to you being funny, not the fact you won) ok so sometimes I'm self conscienious, peace

Alexa Mae said...

this game is fun!! i remember you from all the way back to when i was friends with Rachelle and you came in the room and i already knew you cause WE were always over at the Crums House all the time, and rachelle was like "um, whats going on?" !! you have always been so dang funny and so fun to be around!!

mandi said...

i remeber the first time I metyou, you had a really pale face and tall socks, your hair was parted straight down the middle and bone straight.I wasn't too sure about youYou were like a vato, maybe because you hung out with toni legac.But, I was drawn to you.I remember our"senior trip" at the hotel, jumping on the beds, posing for pics in such stupid ways.I remember the day you told me you were pregnant at my dad's funeral.I remeber calling you telling you that my dad had tied and I was so anxious to tell you because you knew how I felt.I remeber going through some tough times as friends ,but always knowing that we would work through it and now we talk everyday.I just am so lucky to have you as my friend,you bring such a smile on my face ond you can always perck me up when I am are such a good wife and mother and you are so patient,things are hard and you never seem to let it bother you.I wish I could write all my favorite memories down, ther is far to many.we have been friends for so long.i do however love your hairdo from some dance that was sort of a boufont and you wore this beautiful wintery blue dress with a sparlkly jacket.and the one that takes the cAke is when I wheeled you into the corner at dolce.I still are the best and I love you tons

Lyle and Jaime said...

What up girl! How are you? Mandi found me blog hopping and I then saw you on her blog and had to drop a note! Your kids are absolutely ADORABLE! I love the rock on sign your boy does! Love it! Keep in touch!
Jaime "Carlson" Trone

Allison Johnson said...

Kristen! I was just blog hopping and found you. I remember that you were always so funny in band. I remember when we were sophmores and thought we were da bomb cause we were in really were though!